Gran Cantoria



Requiem de Mozart

13 avril 2024 - Studio 4 - Flagey

After the success of several concerts presented at the Brussels Conservatory and at the Cathedral of Saints Michael and Gudula, the vocal ensemble Gran Cantoria, the Zelig Art Ensemble orchestra, and their conductor Diego Borrello are delighted to perform in the beautiful

Studio 4 at Flagey

for two exceptional performances of Mozart's Requiem.

Come and experience this magnificent musical moment with us on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at 3:30 PM or 7:00 PM. These concerts, sponsored by Rotary, will also be opportunities for sharing in support of the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital (HUDERF).

We look forward to seeing you there !


Concert 1st october - 4 p.m.

A unique opportunity is being offered to you to attend, under the best conditions, the performance of the serenade of serenades: Mozart's Gran Partita for 12 wind instruments and double bass.

This exceptional concert is part of a special series organized by the association MusiqueS in Saint-Denis. It will take place in the beautiful protestant Church on Sunday, October 1st, 4 p.m.

Conductor Diego Borrello, who previously presented Mozart's Requiem, will lead the winds of his Zelig orchestra in this truly unique piece. It will feature a magnificent team of musicians!

La Tricoterie - Monday 18th September 2023

Information & Booking: La Tricoterie

Public Open Rehearsal from 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM (limited seats)

The concert will be preceded by an open and free rehearsal: an opportunity to observe a classical ensemble in rehearsal, ask questions about composition and conducting, and even join the choir if you wish!

Concert at 8:45 PM

Concert under the direction of Diego Borrello featuring Haydn's Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo, as well as works by Kodaly and Bartok.

Cantoria Lirica is an amateur choir based in Forest, led since 2014 by Diego Borrello, in a delicate blend of enthusiasm and a spirit of excellence. Their dedication and effort have borne fruit: the Gran Cantoria choir (Cantoria Lirica and Gran Legato combined) has been listed since 2019 in the "Excellence" level of the "A Cœur Joie" association's Art et Vie catalog. Since 2020, the vocal ensemble has successfully performed Mozart's Requiem, notably at the Conservatory and at the Cathedral of Saints Michel and Gudule.

Among Cantoria Lirica's new projects are Verdi's Requiem and a collection of more contemporary pieces centered around the Hungarian composer Kodaly.

During their concerts, the amateur choir led by Conductor Diego Borrello is accompanied by the Zelig Art Ensemble, an orchestra composed of young musicians from the Belgian Royal Conservatories who are destined for professional careers.

Information & Booking: La Tricoterie

Concert 13 juillet 2023 - 8 p.m.

A unique opportunity is being offered to you to attend, under the best conditions, the performance of the serenade of serenades: Mozart's Gran Partita for 12 wind instruments and double bass.

This exceptional concert is part of a special series organized by the association MusiqueS in Saint-Denis. It will take place in the beautiful Saint-Denis Church in Forest on Thursday, July 13th at 8 p.m.

Conductor Diego Borrello, who previously presented Mozart's Requiem, will lead the winds of his Zelig orchestra in this truly unique piece. It will feature a magnificent team of musicians!

Concerts 24 & 25 June 2023

Missa Brevis Sancti Johannis de Deo and pieces from Bruckner, Brahms and Mendelssohn

24 june - Beauvechain

  • 24 june 2023 at 20h
  • Eglise Saint-Sulpice de BEAUVECHAIN
  • Place Communale 8, 1320 - Beauvechain

25 june - Uccle

  • 25 juin 2023 à 18h
  • Eglise Saint-Pierre
  • Parvis Saint-Pierre, 1180 - Uccle

Requiem de Mozart - 14 january 2023 - 16h00 & 19h30

Under the direction of Diego Borrello, the vocal ensemble Gran Cantoria sings "Amadeus's Final Breath" accompanied by exceptional soloists and the Zelig Orchestra during a theatrical concert that combines the dramatic tension of his Requiem with the dramaturgy of Mozart's end of life. The role of the actor is played by Romain Mathelart, in a production directed by Bernard d'Oultremont. We look forward to welcoming many of you to share this exceptional musical moment.